Thursday, October 2, 2008

Lilly turned 7

Our last birthday party of 08'. Lilly was so excited about her Enchanted Princess Party.
Lilly turned the big 0-7!! She had a great party, it was a cold but clear day and the kids spent
a good amount of time playing outside on the playset and big sister Elsie and cousin Lauren
arranged a few games to play. She recieved a digital camera from her parents and thoroughly
enjoyed taking pics of her own party.
A budding photography in training!
Lilly is a sweetheart to have around.
She enjoys playing games with her little
siblings. We all love her great sense of
humor and look forward to the young woman
she will grow up to be, although we can wait.
Love you Lilly!

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the4corners said...

Your children are so cute! What a good little mommy you are Tara.