Friday, February 27, 2009


OOps! I guess that if you rear end someone its always your fault.
On my way through town on none other than Friday the 13th, I had a little incident. The truck in front of me came to a quick stop after he realized that the car in front of him had actually stopped for a pedestrian instead of slowing to turn. Well I was the one sliding into the back end of the truck. As you can see the front bumper had to be removed because it had been pushed up into the wheelwell.
The story goes on, 3 days prior I was pulled over and warned for going a little to fast. So needless to say Heath was not too pleased to come to my rescue.
However after returning from my ordeal is when I found that Valentines Day had actually arrived a day early at my house.
Never a dull moment!

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Angeline and Matt said...

O.K. so at least you weren't hurt, I don't think in this case you were at fault here, the guy in front of you should have been and he should be paying for that lovely total.

the4corners said...

I got rear ended bringing Angie to the airport one year. Never fun.